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andthinkI_in this

843  derzungenunrehtetuo
(your)tongue(an) injusticedo

yourheartcompelsit_to this

itnotdoes consideranyvillainytoogreat

846  muozsprechenswazezwil
nowmustitspeakwhatit (heart)will


ratherevilmay happen(to) themboth

849  ichwiliudazzewâresagen
Iwillyouthisfor suretell

the one whomyou(his)fatherhadslain

he_would strive_(in) thisnothinggreater

(than) howhe(from) youallyourhonor

might robasit (tongue)theredoes

youhaveitalonemay beit(for) yougood

855  herÎweinlachetundesprach

Lady(to) me_(it) isnotdisturbing

whatever(to) meSirKeiisays

858  ichweizwoldazerrichet
Iknowwellthatheis chastising

_me(for) mythoughtlessness

(for) himismyunseemlinessdispleasing

861  di--enwoldermichnihtverdagen
which_did wanthe(from) menotto conceal
