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_because of thisshouldweitavoid

1368  dazerverwâzen

andshouldyoube successful


1371  ichen--weizwazichdirsagensol
Inotdo knowwhatIyoutellshould

except thatyoudorightandgood

let comefromyougoodnews

1374  istdirdulêreswære
is(for) youthisteachingdifficult

thenknowthatyouunhappywill be

noheartyetitnotis (the case)

foritmewill improvegreatly

(and) thatitme_more and more


1380  dazichgerneervollensol
(so) thatIitgladlyfulfillwill

(at) alltimes(wherever)Ican

and(I) would livegladlyyet(for) theday

1383  dazicheinzouberære
(when) thatIamagician

in accordance withyourteachingswere

(if) onlyfortheoneblessing

1386  dazichirgnâdeneinenteil
thatI(of) herfavorapart
