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wantthenyousoam willingalsoI

9044  wesistdirtumbergouchgedâht
whathas(to) youstupidfooloccurred

thiswillyoufull well_find out

itwill be(for) youaverybitterfight

9047  irsprechetnihtobgotwil
youdo saynotifGodwill

whyare distainful(to) youmywordsso

I_have regardnoforyourthreats

9050  undwilsiwolgenôzen
andwillitwellcompare with

(to) twomountainslarge


thattheywouldbring forth


alarge (one)asalsotheythereare

9056  verhanctedesgot
thenlet happen(of) thisGod

thatitbecame(before) _people(a) mockery

andbrought forthafield mouse

9059  ouchsintverbrunnengrôziuhûs
alsohaveburnt downmightycastles

from (a)smallfire

(for) thoseis_couragerare

9062  diegrimmeclîchwellensîn
whosofiercewantto be
