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alas(when) thensoyouitdiscoverindeed

7928  wazmeinetirkünecGuivreiz
whatdo meanyouKingGuivreiz

I_meannothing (other)thanthatIknow

for the sake ofGodnowtell (me)what

7931  kêretwiderdazkumtunsbaz
nowturn back_thatwill be(for) usbetter


itwill(to) youwellknown

7934  undweltirnihterwinden
and (if)willyounotturn back

Imustitindeedfind out


sowill comeyoucertainlyin(such)distress

whichyourfriendsnotwill be ableto get over (it)

canyoume(about) itfor the sake ofGodnewtell

7940  michwundertwazezmügesîn

thereturn backforthelove(of) mine

Iwill requiteitforeverasIshould

7943  dazen--zæmemirnihtwol
that_would be fitting(for) menotwell

forthenmightyouhave(the) idea

thatIout offear_abandoned

7946  diseselbenreise

also_(there) isnodanger