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from nowforwardfromher

1536  lîpderredegenâdeichdir
body(for) thesewordsthankIyou

Ihavenowfor the first timeheard

thatwewell_are suited (for each other)

1539  unddazunsgelîcherernestist
andthat(we)(of) equalseriousness(are)

nownotdo delayitsoforanytime

andnotewhatyouare to do

1542  grîfvilstæticlîchenzuo
go for itverypersistently_

asone whothereremain determinedwill

for the sake of areward_until(reaching)theend goal

andapproachnot(too) quickly_her

(so) that(for) heryourcourting_

inconstantdoes appear

1548  erkennetdichvone
_will recognizeshe(in) youfrom this


(for) thiswill repayyouthegood (one)

1551  Unrehtezgâhensûmetdich
improperhastewill delayyou

body_in thisrecognizeI

thosethere(too) eagerare

1554  dieplatzentgâhesalseinwint

_full tiltonaperson